CID, an everlasting show on Sony Entertainment Television, is an Indian television series that encompasses detective work, crime-solving, and anthology stories. It holds the record for being one of the longest-running television series in India and has garnered immense praise and recognition from its viewers over the years.
These are the earnings per episode of the show’s cast members.
Narendra Gupta
As: Dr. Salunkhe
The fee for the role is ₹40,000 for each episode.
Shraddha Musale
As: Dr. Tarika
The fee for the role is ₹40,000 per episode.
Ansha Sayed
As: Sub-Inspector Purvi
The fee for the role is ₹40,000 per episode.
Janvi Chheda
As: Inspector Shreya
The fee for the role is ₹45,000 per episode.
Ajay Nagrath
As: Sub-Inspector Pankaj
The fee for the role is ₹50,000 for each episode.
Vaishnavi Dhanraj
As: Sub-Inspector Tasha
The fee for the role is ₹50,000 per episode.
Dinesh Phadnis
As: Inspector Fredricks
The fee for the role is ₹70,000 per episode.
Aditya Srivastava
As: Senior Inspector Abhijeet
The fee for the role is ₹80,000 per episode.
Dayanand Shetty
As: Senior Inspector Daya
The fee for the role is ₹85,000 per episode.
Shivaji Satam
As: ACP Pradyuman
The fee for the role is ₹ 1 Lakh per episode.
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