The popular Indian Hindi comedy-drama television series “Kya Hal, Mr. Paanchal” on Star Bharat has become a massive hit. The show revolves around Kunti Devi, a mother who seeks a flawless daughter-in-law for her son Kanhaiya, with five specific qualities. However, when her wish is granted by God, she finds herself managing not one, but five daughters-in-law. This unique and captivating storyline has contributed to the show’s continuous success.
The following figures represent the daily earnings of the show’s cast members:
Rahul Singh
As: Pratap Singh
Role: Kusum’s husband
The fee for the role is ₹30,000 per day.
Ariah Agarwal
As: Kusum
Character: Daughter of Kunti and wife of Pratap
The fee for the role is ₹30,000 per day.
Kanchan Gupta
As: Kunti Devi
Character: Mother of Kanhaiya and Kusum
The daily fee for the role is ₹30,000.
Shruti Rawat
As: Padma
Role: Kanhaiya’s sixth wife
The daily fee for the role is ₹32,000.
Reena Aggarwal
As: Prema
Role: Kanhaiya’s fourth wife
The daily fee for the role is ₹32,000.
Ojaswi Oberoi
As: Pari
Role: Kanhaiya’s first wife
The fee for the role is ₹35,000 per day.
Astha Agarwal
As: Prarthana
Role: Kanhaiya’s second wife
The fee for the role is ₹35,000 per day.
Radhika Muthukumar
As: Panjiri
Role: Kanhaiya’s third wife
The fee for the role is ₹35,000 per day.
Dharti Bhatt
As: Pratibha
Position: The fifth and final wife of Kanhiaya
The fee for the role is ₹35,000 per day.
Maninder Singh
As: Mr. Kanhaiya Paanchal
Title: Identity: Kunti Devi’s Son<br><br>Rewritten: The protagonist’s identity is that of being the son of Kunti Devi.
The fee for the role is ₹40,000 per day.
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